There’s a lot we can learn from the French and their style of parenting. Here are a few reasons why French children are so well-behaved.
They’re allowed to do difficult things themselves
Ever heard your little one say: “Me do it!”? Yes, it’s a favorite toddler phrase and for good reason, but even the most well-meaning parent can squelch this budding autonomy by wanting to do everything for their child. French parenting counteracts that philosophy by treating children more like adults-in-training than helpless babes.
They are praised sparingly
Fearful of hurting feelings, American parents tend to praise their child for everything, but this can eventually lead to praise becoming diluted and meaningless. Instead, French parenting is about praising kids for saying interesting things, and for speaking well.
They understand adults-only time
French children understand that parents need to have dedicated adult time. This doesn’t mean they aren’t good parents, but they shouldn’t always be at the service of their children.
They are taught as infants to sleep early and well
French parents are big fans of allowing their babies to self-soothe, allowing their infant to cycle through brief periods of wakefulness before falling back asleep. By allowing an infant to do this for a minute or two, French parents are teaching them not to depend on rocking, feeding, pacifiers, or some other external sleep aid.
Fruits and vegetables are their first foods
French children are unpicky eaters as parents repeatedly serve the same foods and expect their children to eat them. There is no cooking of separate meals for adults and children as kids are expected to eat the same meal as their parents.
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